Wednesday 13 May 2015

Which is the best answer?

Write about the future.

What do you think?

Perhaps a good idea will be to write about what you think there will or there won’t be in the future and about what you want to do when you grow up.

Monday 11 May 2015

Global warming

Global warming, Greenhouse effect... are current terms these days. Just, what is global warming? Should we be worried? What can be done to stop global warming?

In the following video we can watch and listen some ideas about the topic of climate change and its effects on life on our planet Earth now and in the future.

Let's learn about tenses

If you want to have a look at a video in which you'll see easily the differences between the past, present and future..., here you have it.

(Bear in mind that the accent of the main character of the video,"Astrologer Tota", it belongs to a person who is not an English-speaker).

Future activities

As usual, here you've got some activities for practising the new expressions and the vocabulary to talk about the future.





Future times

What will you do when you grow up?

Well, it's a very good question for our pupils...

In this new unit the kids will study future tense and they'll learn vocabulary about predictions and facts about climate change.

Moreover they will be able to write predictions for the future (or I hope so).